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Service Coordination

Muskingum Board of DD Service and Support Administrators (SSAs) listen to what is important to individuals and connect them to the appropriate supports and resources such as day programs, community employment, natural supports, and residential and transportation services

Service and Support Administrators (SSAs) can help with:

  • Issues and concerns of the individual and/or family

  • Outcomes that are important to the individual and family

  • Resources which an individual may need

  • Transition Planning for youth ages 14-22 moving from school to adulthood

  • Family Assistance Program funding to help families care for and support their loved one with developmental disabilietes at home.


Director of Community Services
Ryan Weaver Ext 1210 or


Community Services Supervisors

Chris Daw: Ext 1217 or

Marlee Andrews: Ext 1203 or

Service and Support Administrators:

Amanda Baker: Ext. 1214 or

John Baldwin: Ext. 1205 or

Kat Burris: Ext. 1248 or

Katie Engle-Grodi: Ext. 1220 or

Raeanna Fitz: Ext. 1240 or

Korrie Gibbs: Ext. 1201 or

Mackenzie Gibson: Ext. 1219 or

Jensen Lanning: Ext. 1234 or

Paul Mainini: Ext 1219 or pmainini@muskingumdd,org

Joe Neff: Ext 1202 or

Chawntilly Nelson: Ext. 1245 or

Stephanie Orr: Ext. 1233 or


Community Connections

Missy Hartley: Ext 1428 or


Community Services Fiscal Specialist
​Sheena Brown: Ext 1221 or 
Beth Dillehay Ext 1222 or


Specialized Supports

Juanita Moore: Ext 1235 or

Employment Navigation

Sheila Hina: Ext 1471 or

Angie Hubbard: Ext 1204 or

Marsha Tilton: Ext 1223 or

Secretary II

Angie Koehnle: Ext. 1218 or

Sarah Morgan: Ext 1410 or 



24 hour emergency assistance line is available to help resolve situations that need immediate action to help ensure an individual's health and safety: 888-905-0787.

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